Tuesday, October 12, 2010

So Here's The Story...

Hello again everyone, Ziggy here! I know, I know... you must be doing a double take... but let me explain...

Yes, this past January I made the journey over the Rainbow Bridge with the help of my humans. Out of no where I began suffering from Cancer in my liver, spleen, and heart. Within a week my humans had no choice but to help me over the Bridge...

But now I've got a little surprise... I may have left physically, but never in spirit. I still watch over my dawg house and my family everyday and I've decided to make a new blog telling the stories of what I see from way up here.

Now there are some rules. I'm not allowed to talk about the Bridge. I'm not allowed to talk about what it was like getting here. I can't do any favors, but I can relay messages to the other lost fur kids. Bringing a message back is a little challenging, but we'll see...

So now you may be asking wait... how does this work? Honestly it's very hard to explain. But through a lot of will power and a little bit of luck I'm able to get my stories across to share with you all. I write them up here and send them down to Jessie for some proof reading ( it's very hard to type without thumbs) and to add some media.

So here we go!

Unfortunately my first three stories bring some bad news. If you've visited my Blog From Before The Bridge you know all about it.

On October 6th a friend of mine passed over the Bridge with the help of his humans after being diagnosed with Cancer. Sweet Saffron successfully made the journey and I was there on the other side to greet him with plenty of butt sniffs and tail wags. He misses his humans very dearly but knows he will see them again when the time is right.

Second, on October 7th a cute little guy I unfortunately never met made the journey over the Bridge as well. Bart was Jessie's Aunt Barb's fur kid who passed away from old age. Saffron and I were both there to greet him with plenty of licks and tail wags. Just like the rest of us, Bart misses his humans but is looking forward to seeing them again.

Third, Natty, my very own Itty Bitty Kitty, has gotten some bad news from the VET this past week. My little black and white boy has a very enlarged heart and a bum aorta. This means too much running around and playing results in an "attack" where is body isn't getting enough oxygen. The VET put him on a blood pressure medication and he has been taking some baby aspirin along with lots and lots of treats. Hopefully the meds and extra lovin' will do the trick. We're keeping our paws crossed.

Now some good news...

Mom took Pedro to work today and he got a *pause for dramatic effect*  BATH! Pedro hates baths and when he goes to work he is attached to mom's hip. So when Jessie took him into the kitchen and he found a sink full of warm soapy water, my tough little brother knew exactly what was about to go down. After the "traumatizing" event was over Pedro rubbed himself all over the floor to dry off. He was doing figure eights and going along the entire length of the filing cabinets. Jessie was cracking up so hard it hurt to breathe and as soon as she was about to video tape the event Pedro went back to his normal self and plopped down for a nap. Shucks!

Second, Cousin Rambo made it safely through his surgery. Rambo had a bladder stone that needed to be removed and although he was against it his G-mom took him in for the surgery. We're all wishing him a safe quick recovery! For some reason blogger is rejecting any photos from Rambos blog so make sure you drop by and wish him a speedy recovery.

So I guess to sum this all up... I'll be posting here and there, nothing major, just about the little things I see go on in my dawg house and with my family. I'll let you know how everyone is doing and try to get around visiting everyone as soon as possible.

Until next time...
I'm always watching... we all are...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, this is just wonderful, Ziggy. So good to be able to chat with you even if it is from the other side of the bridge. We have all been very sad to hear all the bad news happening, but we keep crossing our paws and hoping for good things to begin to happen.

Please send our best to our princess Dakota and tell her we all miss her very much but we know she has so many wonderful furiends to share her new life of joy and happiness.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

This is absolutely perfekht!!!

I'd paw more but my mom is here with leaky eyes so I had better attend to her -

She keeps thinking bakhk to all the furiends we've lost in the last weeks and the holes in those furamilies' hearts -

Please say hi to Taltia, Ladygray, and Kyrye...Khousin Merdie says please say hi to her sisFUR Lexie - she's probably hanging out with Saffron!



Piappies World said...

Hi there Ziggy,

We are reading more about you in your other blog and it's good that you have this one as well.

We are needing the power of paws for some furrypals going through some tough times. Please watch over them closely.

Do say hi to our dear Koko who is there watching over us, too. Thankies!

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max